User Agreement

user agreement

NotOkay User Agreement

(Version February 2023)


“Our” “Us” “We” refers to NotOkay

“You” refers to you as members of NotOkay

We want you to feel welcome at NotOkay. Mental Health problems affect 10+M people in the United Kingdom. Some have support, some do not have support. Some have family, some are isolated. Although we could not provide support services, we are providing a dedicated platform for you to interact, and find a friend, a confidante, a shoulder to cry on, and a like-minded individual who is going through what you are going through. Mental health affects everyone, whether you are rich or poor, young or old, it sweeps its brushes randomly and does not choose whom it hits. The team at NotOkay is also not okay in terms of mental health problems. This is the main reason why we created this platform, to provide moral support, not to judge, not to tell you what to do, but to discuss and empathize with others who are going through the same turmoil as you are.

NotOkay is an online discussion and chatting forum platform for communities, individuals, and people, suffering from Mental Health Problems living in the United Kingdom only.

It is here primarily for individuals to discuss their circumstances, and experiences, uphold each other, providing moral support to each other.

We are currently only available for anyone living in the United Kingdom but are applicable only to the age group of 18+.

If after reading this user agreement and you still want to join (even though you are below the age of 18), you must have the consent of your parent, or guardian to do so.

You are joining NotOkay at your own discretion and you or your parent/guardian take full responsibility.

Due to many members, we may not be able to physically bar those under the age of 18, but we will try our best to keep a watchful eye and anyone under the age of 18 will be notified for being barred from the website, albeit written permission from parent/guardian.

Terms of Use

  • NotOkay is ONLY for individuals, and communities living in the UNITED KINGDOM
  • NotOkay is ONLY for age group of 18+
  • NotOkay is ONLY for people, individuals, and communities who are suffering from Mental Health Problems.

By becoming a Member, you agree to:

  • Provide proof of mental health diagnosis if need be (this may be in the form of a prescription, NHS/GP diagnosis letter);
  • Provide identification document for Identity Verification if need be (this may be in the form of a Driver’s Licence, Passport);
  • Provide proof of age if need be (Birth Certificate/Driving Licence/Passport).

[Such documents electronically collected will be immediately deleted from our system upon completion of verification].

  • Be solely responsible for all contents you post or remarks you make in NotOkay forums, discussion boards, chats, and emails. You are responsible for your own maintenance of passwords as such and not to share your details with anyone else.
  • Immediately inform us of any breach of your account accessibility and information.
  • Not transfer your Account to someone else.

Code of Conduct

By becoming a Member, you agree in a binding contract that you will:

  • Not falsely portray a fake identity
  • Not falsely state that you are suffering from mental health problem
  • Take full responsibility in stating that you are truthfully suffering from mental health problems
  • Not provide fake documentation
  • Be kind, considerate, and respectful of other members and their circumstances
  • Not use profanity in any shape or form
  • Not stalk or harass any other member
  • Not post nudity in any shape or form either in pictures or videos
  • Not post any pornography in any shape or form either in pictures or videos
  • Not discriminate in any form or shape in terms of age, sex, race, or disability
  • Indicate that you are accepting these terms on behalf of another legal entity, including a business or any organization, and that you represent them with full legal authority and binding contract to these Terms.

Privacy Policy

Please read our Privacy Policy which is explained in detail how we collect, use, or share any data, or information about you when you access NotOkay. You fully understand the use of NotOkay services, you consent to the collection and use of this information as set forth in our Privacy Policy.


When you join NotOkay as a Member, we legally assume you have a complete understanding of our Terms and uses of services, and we grant you personal, unlimited access to our website and services either via your home computer, laptop, or other devices owned and controlled by you. In certain circumstances, we reserve all rights to not grant you access to our services in compliance with not following the guidelines of the user agreement.

You may not in any context or form:

  • Exploit the services or contents of NotOkay
  • Take or copy contents from NotOkay

We at NotOkay have the full legal authority and sole discretion to:

  • Add or remove features, functionalities, contents, or any other services as we see fit.
  • Filter or delete profanity, obscenity, discriminatory remarks, racist terms, swearing, insults, or other such forms of negativity that will hamper our members.
  • Discontinue or modify any services at any time, with or without notifying you.
  • Update NotOkay from time to time, and any future release or updates will be subject to these Terms of the User Agreement.
  • Not be liable to you or to any other party or organization for any modification, barring, suspension or discontinuation of any services of any part thereof.

Your Contents Responsibility

You are fully and legally responsible for:

  • All Texts, pictures, videos, audio, links, or other materials but subject to ‘Code of Conduct’ terms
  • All contents created and posted by you through your Account.
  • The accuracy, truthfulness, and reliability, of any of your content posted through your Account.
  • Submitting your contents and representing that you have all the rights and authority of the contents you have posted through your Account.
  • Any liability in relation to your content’s rights and permissions.
  • Ownership rights of your content, and once it is posted in any context in NotOkay, we are automatically granted royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, and unlimited license to access your content, to use, copy, modify, adapt, distribute, store, display your content and your name, username provided in connection with your content in all forms relating to media and channels currently available and those that would be available in the future.
  • Waiving all your rights to your contents, texts, chat, media, pictures, audio, and videos, posted from your Account.
  • To waive your ownership rights to any ideas, or suggestions that you provide voluntarily for improving NotOkay contents or features, and you understand that NotOkay will not provide compensation or will be obligated to you for your input and feedback contents.

NotOkay is not obligated to edit or monitor your content, but in certain circumstances, we hold sole discretion to delete or remove your content for any reason at any time, including for violating the Terms and User Agreement, violating the Code of Conduct, or otherwise, or such acts or actions or posts, contents, remarks, text that may create undue liability to us will be immediately removed and deleted permanently.

Third-Party Contents

Certain content on NotOkay may have links to third-party websites, products, or services, which may be posted by advertisers, our affiliates, partners, or other users. Such contents are not under our control and we are not responsible for any or part of the contents, links, websites, products, or services posted by third-party websites or users.

If you use the third-party content, you do so under your own responsibility and at your own risk. You should take it upon yourself to fully investigate third-party content before making any connection or transaction thereof.

NotOkay is based on a free membership, hence we may at times take on sponsorship from Third-Party Content or advertisement which will help us financially run the NotOkay website.

By signing up for membership, you automatically agree and accept third-party content on the website of NotOkay, you agree, acknowledge, and accept the third-party advertisement in connection with the contents of NotOkay as well as your contents.

If you use the advertisement content by a third-party, you alone are responsible for the use of that third-party content or transaction, you alone are responsible to conduct research on any third-party advertisement, product, or services, in compliance with all laws and regulations, including but not limiting to third party’s rules, offer terms, requirements, and transactions.

NotOkay does not sponsor or endorse any products, services, or transactions advertised by third-party content. We are not liable for any third-party products, services, or transactions.

You acknowledge and agree that WE will not in any way assist you in any complaints or liability in relation to your usage of third-party advertised products, services, or transactions. You agree that you went into the relationship with a third-party at your own risk and understanding.

Prohibition Rules

As a Member, you are prohibited from:

  • Using the services of NotOkay to promote nudity, obscenity, pornography, terrorism, acts of self-harm, sexual grooming, sexual exploitation, monetary exploitation, catfishing, and any other action that is detrimental to the well-being of a member.
  • Gaining access or attempting to gain access to other Members’ Account or Profile
  • Interfering with the overall services of NotOkay resulting in overburden, impairment, disruption of services
  • Transmitting, uploading, and distributing through our services any form of malicious viruses, codes, hacking software, or any other security-related content that will hamper or interfere with the smooth functioning of the services of NotOkay.
  • Violating any applicable laws or infringing any person, individual, or community’s intellectual property rights
  • Use the services of NotOkay to abuse or defraud any member.

All Members are strongly encouraged to be wary of their connection with other members and to ask for identity verification.

All Members are strongly encouraged to report any violation they observe in relation to this User Agreement, Code of Conduct, or any issue that deem a security risk to you or other members, a security risk to the vulnerable, or any other issue that does not look right. Please contact us immediately at

Responsibility of Moderators

A moderator is an unofficial, voluntary position that is being taken on by any Member of NotOkay. Moderators act on their own accord and are not connected to the team at NotOkay Services. We are not liable nor responsible for any action taken by the Moderators.

In any instance that a Moderator has violated or breached the Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement, or any other sensitive security issue, we reserve the utmost right to revoke, ban or limit at any time, without any notice, the ability and power of such moderator, without giving any reasons whatsoever. 

If you are a Moderator, by identifying yourself as one, you automatically have a binding contract/agreement to follow the following rules:

  • You will take responsibility/action on any subject/forum that you are a moderator.
  • You will be responsible for all the contents of that forum, and you will take swift action to remove contents that are in violation of the Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement
  • You will report and escalate such violation/breach of the Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement to the administrative team of NotOkay
  • You will not represent NotOkay in any form or shape, and you are not authorized to act on behalf of NotOkay
  • You must not enter into any agreement with any third party on behalf of NotOkay
  • You will not abuse your power as Moderator for financial gains, favors, etc from third parties or from members of NotOkay
  • You are responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness and reliability of the content you post on any forum as a Moderator or as a Member.
  • You must keep a watchful eye on all contents posted in the forum that you are a Moderator, you can create rules relating to a forum that you are a moderator, you must make 100% sure that the rules you create do not conflict with our Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement, or Moderator Guidelines.

The administrative team and authority of NotOkay have the sole rights, with no obligations, to dismantle or overturn any action, rule, or decision of a Moderator if they deem it to not be in the interest of NotOkay’s responsibility toward its Members and communities.

Donations via PayPal

NotOkay is operative in the category of Free Membership. The management of the website is voluntarily taken up by the team of NotOkay, therefore, no monetary gains are in place. We would like to request all Members to kindly donate any amount they see fit even if it is only £1, every little bit will help us keep the website going stronger, which will help us in maintaining and managing the website and all its features.

The administrative team at NotOkay may change the membership category as it deems fit from free to a paid membership, but before such steps are taken, all members will be duly notified and choice/options will be given to either remain as Free Membership or Paid Membership. We may exclude some features to only Paid Membership. But this is not yet in the execution of plans and may happen way off in the future!

The donation can be made through PayPal, or via Debit or Credit Card. The donation is NOT incurred monthly but as a one-off payment.

Electronic and Intellectual Property

All contents, media, videos, visual interface, and features are solely and voluntarily contributed by various individuals, artists, photographers, and the team of NotOkay. The designs of the website are solely owned by NotOkay.

All contents posted and uploaded from your Account become the sole property of NotOkay. We are not liable to pay you any compensation, royalty, or otherwise for the usage of your content posted on NotOkay.


Once you become a Member, you have a binding contract agreement to defend, indemnify, and hold NotOkay, its affiliates, employees, team, directors, agents, artists, photographers, content writers, third-party service providers, third-party advertisers, free from any claim, liability, or demand made by any third party or members, free from any claim relating to catfishing, fraud, or other assault you encounter between you and other members of the community.

It is your responsibility alone to ensure that you research or conduct an investigation thoroughly before entering into any relationship, agreement, or transaction with other members registered at NotOkay.

Any related damage, loss, or expense, you incurred in your connection with other members or third-party advertisers is solely your responsibility and NotOkay is not liable or responsible for any of these mishaps that you encountered in your dealings with other members or third-party.


NotOkay is NOT RESPONSIBLE nor is it liable for any inaccuracy, truthfulness, or contents posted by you or other members. NotOkay does not control, endorse, or take responsibility for any errors, links, services, or actions of other members or third-party, including Moderators.

We intend to provide smooth and safe access to our forum and services, but we do not guarantee or warrant that our services or server would be free of viruses or other harmful content. We will work hard and do the best of our ability to keep the website safe, virus free, and protect from harm, but we are only volunteers, and everything spent on the website is from our own pockets.

Any issues you have with any content posted, remarks, or text, by any users/Members must be reported to us immediately. We are not responsible for the consequences, outcome, hurt, or pain relating to any content written, uploaded, or created by any Members or communities. NotOkay is not liable for any direct or indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, defamatory, offensive, illegal, mental grievances, or loss arising from your interaction, connection, or content with other members or community, or third party.

Future Changes

NotOkay has sole discretion to change the Terms from time to time. We also take sole discretion to add or remove rules and regulations from time to time. Whenever such a change is in place, a due email notification will be sent to all members. By continuing to access and become a Member of NotOkay, you agree to be bound by the present Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement as stated above, and also automatically agree to be bound to any changes, additions, or removals of any part of the Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement. If you do not agree to such terms and implementation, please stop accessing or using NotOkay before the changes take place and become effective.

Additional Terms and Future Changes

In the evolving world, we live in, there may be additional services that may be added in the future. We take sole discretion in implementing such additional terms and future changes relating to features and services. When such a change is implemented, we will notify all members by email. If you continue to be a member after such changes are implemented, you are then bound by default agreement that you are accepting the changes. If you do not agree with the changes, we can simply stop accessing the services if they are not appropriate to your choice.

Deleting your Account/Termination of Account

You have full right to delete/terminate your account with NotOkay at any given point in time. If somehow you stop using your account for a prolonged period of time, your Account will still be active but in an inactive state, and you will still receive email notifications. You can unsubscribe from email notifications at any time.

In other cases, for example, in violation of our Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement, it is our sole discretion, in extreme cases, to terminate/delete your Account.

The Terms, Code of Conduct, User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Moderator Guidelines and any other legal contents are all legally binding agreement between you and NotOkay.

If you have any questions please email us at

NotOkay is only available online and has no physical address. The team at NotOkay works from home voluntarily in their own free time.

user agreement notokay


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